Aaron Bovie High Frequency Desiccator

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Dr. William Bovie invented a revolutionary device capable of generating electricity to accomplish surgical procedures. This device was invented almost eighty years back and it has certainly revolutionized the way of conducting various types of surgical procedures. With technological advancements and scientific breakthroughs, many new versions of this device have been launched in the medical world. This revolutionary device is still manufactured and the company that owns the trademark of Dr. William Bovie’s invention has launched many models of this device. This device is named after Dr. William Bovie and is known as the Aaron Bovie high-frequency desiccator. The company, that manufactures this device, is also named after the inventor and is known as Bovie. This commercial organization has used the science behind Dr. Bovie’s invention and has used it for manufacturing a range of technologically advanced high-frequency desiccators. Following are the three major application modes of high-frequency desiccators, which are in accordance with different surgical application requirements:

  • Desiccation – In this surgical process the electrosurgical instrument basically destroys tissues with the help of a direct electrode. This leads to dehydration and coagulation of tissues simultaneously.
  • Cut – In this surgical process the high-frequency electrical transmission generates heat, which leads to the vaporization of tissues that are exposed to this heat.
  • Fulguration – In fulguration, tissues are destroyed with the help of the electrode, which is placed slightly away from the surface of tissues.

High-frequency desiccator offered by Bovie has immensely helped reduce bleeding in small and complex surgical procedures. In early times, the desiccator was mostly used for superficial skin procedures. However, nowadays it is also employed in complex surgical procedures. In the desiccation process, electrical energy is transferred to tissues using a waveform. The exposure of tissues to this electrical energy leads to dehydration of tissues, which aids in instigating the coagulation effect. Coagulation is necessary to stop bleeding during surgery and desiccation is by far the most effective process to provoke coagulation effect. This is the main reason behind the ever-increasing popularity of this instrument in the medical world. The high-frequency desiccator has immensely helped medical professionals save patients' lives during complex surgical procedures. Excessive bleeding can be life-threatening for patients during surgeries and this medical instrument has immensely reduced the risk of profuse bleeding. It can be said that this medical instrument is one of the major breakthroughs in the world of medical science.

Author’s Bio – In this article, the author has talked about Aaron Bovie's high-frequency desiccator.

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