Item: Pocket Monitor Software, 717-8050
Pocket monitor for PDAs and PCs.
Use with PC or PDA**
Use with E-Scope, SimulScope, SAM-the Student Auscultation Manikin or in Telemedicine.
Displays Phonocardiogram
Record and Playback at Normal or Half-Speed
Filters Sounds for more accurate Diagnosis
Display Heart Rate
Identify Murmurs
Indentifies Dangerous Murmurs
Aids in Differentiation of Innocent and Pathologic Murmurs
Approximates Pressure Gradient across Aortic Valve
Large Installed Databank of Heart Sounds for quick
Comparison or for Teaching
Connects to E-Scope for Recording and Immediate Playback into E-Scope.
717-8050-Software displays heart sounds as a phonocardiogram or breath sounds as a phonopneumogram. Records, displays and plays back at full or half speed. Identifies murmurs, differentiates between innocent and pathologic murmurs, approximates pressure gradient across the aortic valve. Used HP Ipag PDA Models HP Ipaq 2190. Used with PDA cable
717-8055-Fo use on a PC or laptop. Displays, records and plays back heart or breath sounds and displays a phonocardiogram. Includes murmur program. This sytem will play back at full or half speed. For use with E-scope, SimulScope or Ausculette.