The Dual Horn allows a single Sonicator unit to process two samples simultaneously. The rectangular-shaped horn doubles the unit�s output, and enables two probes to vibrate with the same intensity as a single probe. The distance from center to center of each probe is 4.5". �" solid tip probes are included with the Dual Horn but �" or 1" probes may also be used. The Dual Horn is capable of withstanding the rigors and harsh chemicals of environmental testing labs. Sonication is used by environmental labs to process soil and sediment samples in lieu of soxhlet extraction methods. The Sonicator and Dual Horn meet the EPA requirements specified in method SW846-3550. Dual Horn components can be ordered separately. The Dual Horn can be mounted in the Sound Enclosure (#432B) or on the Adjustable Stand (#438). |
Shipping cost | 13.4 |